certified narrative holistic career practitioner
About me & you
I'm a Narrative Career Coach, which means that you share your stories and experiences with me, and through that very personal lens, we pull out your strengths and desires. You get clear about what you want, and the possibilities that we come up with are completely unique to you because they come from you.
Is this you? I can hear you!!!
#Settle #EntryLevel #FML
"I’m done school and I need a decent job. I feel like I have to start at the bottom and I can’t afford to do that. How do I even break into my field if I can’t pay my rent without this 'insert job-you-hate-here' gig? Why can't I go after what I want right now? Do I have to settle? And, if I do find the right job, how can I be me while also being professional?
#WhyTho #boredallday
"Ugh…is this going to be the rest of my life? I’m lucky to have a steady gig, and benefits, and bla bla bla, but I have no purpose. I can’t just quit to “find my bliss” but I really want meaningful work. I feel stuck and overwhelmed. I’m meant for something more. How do I get the motivation and strategy I need to make a change?"
#ACKKK #DreamJob #NotReady
"I’m freaking out! My dream job just got posted and all I have is an ok-enough resume from 3 years ago, a sad LinkedIn and no idea how to interview for this. But I KNOW I can do it! I was made for this job! How do I quickly get ready for this epic opportunity without using terrible phrases like ‘proven interpersonal skills’ ??
Traditional career coaching focuses on fitting you into the job market using assessments that put you in boxes. You are not a colour, series of letters, or category of strengths. You are a whole person, and your career touches your whole life. That's why my clients find my holistic, narrative approach to career coaching refreshing, unique, and effective.

Inspiring, Affordable & Effective
& Workshops
Having worked in non-profit career centres and as a corporate recruiter, I draw on my experience from both sides of the table. My insights from the career development field, from the employer’s perspective and from my clients provide a comprehensive view of the world of work.
Together as client and coach we are generating ideas and motivating action through heartfelt listening and exploration. You'll love the depth of clarity and the impactful exploring that come out of narrative coaching.
Here is how I can help:
"So often we hear things but we don't really get it. With Ali, I got it! "
one on one COACHING
Working with a coach provides new perspectives, honest reflection and uncovers fresh possibilities. I'm offering individual packages which gives you flexibility, choice and affordability. Book a free 30-min consultation with me today for a quick career chat.
Reflection activities, useful worksheets, personal branding audits, and dream boosting included.
Customized 1-on-1 coaching packages from $500 to $2500.
"I learned so much, had fun and feel like I can actually take steps to do this now. Plus I met some cool people. Awesome workshop!"
workshops & events
These facilitated, fun sessions can give you the boost you need to learn, grow, and change your path in small shifts or epic leaps. Peer feedback and networking is key to great career ownership.
Events are on hold until the new year. Check back in January 2024 for new events. Stay tuned….
"Working with Ali is a force to be reckoned with! Her energy is contagious and her listening skills are as sharp as they come."
career coaching in the workplace
Incorporating career development into the workplace helps with recruitment, retention, performance and training. Now more than ever, engagement is key for healthy. productive workplaces. I facilitate programs for employees and management teams using lively and inclusive techniques are on the cutting-edge of the field.
Please reach out to me for a free consultation, details, and pricing.
"It makes me feel calm, like someone is in my court, helping manage this piece of my professional life."
disability disclosure & accommodation
Disclosure at work or during a job search process is challenging at best. The choices of "if, when, and how" are intimate. We can feel a range of emotions, from vulnerable to angry and back again. I approach this coaching with respect, dignity, and an experienced, realistic perspective of how far we've come and how much stigma is still out there.
Offered on a sliding scale, your disclosure is trusted and no proof will be required.
“You ask all the right questions and push me in the right directions. I’m honestly so pumped to have met you!”
“Ali’s method of self discovery truly was the breakthrough that made all the difference. ”
“She provided excellent advice along with materials and exercises that allowed me to see things clearly”

For Career & Helping Professionals
An oracle card spread used in narrative career development sessions
Latest Free Resources
From Deck to Dream: Career Tarot in Career Practice
Curious about using oracle, tarot and career cards in narrative practice?
Here are some resources from our #ncda2021 session, facilitated with my kindred spirit and fellow career geek Rebecca McCarthy from the Canadian Career Development Foundation.
Click here to access the slides and click here to access the handy handouts.
What a privilege to present at the 2021 virtual NCDA Global Career Development Conference!
Visit @CareerTarot on Instagram for more!
Marketing Consulting for Career & Helping Professionals
I am one of you. This means I get it. I get you , and I get the people you support. I get the wins & challenges of being online in career & coaching work.
I have a private practice operating out of Halifax, Canada and have spent years in workforce development centers, HR & recruitment.
This cat is working on their branding